Angel Workshop The Final Four
You've completed the Seven Angels in Seven Days Free Workshop and moved through some powerful healing and activations.
This Final Four is intended to complete what we started and seal the work of bringing in your Divine Mission more fully into the Earth Plane and your life.
The Final Four Angels and their Gifts:
Angel Faith will work to clear old programs of Worshiping the Opinions of Others and releasing you from any need for the approval of others. Angel Faith Brings the Gift and Activation of Freedom that will assist you in following your heart, your dreams and the clearer vision you are now receiving of your Divine Mission.
Angel Daniel assists us to clear the judgments from Self and Others as we release the baggage of old anger and resentment. He brings the healing gift of Forgiveness that lightens the load and frees us from the heaviness of the past.
Angel Ariel will meet with us once again to Ground all that we have received into our Root Chakra
Angel Metatron comes to bring in the final Activations of Light Technology to assist in the restructuring of our physical life to the higher vibration we now carry as well as to Ground and Activate our Divine Mission into the Earth Star Chakra and connect us to the support of Mother Gaia for manifesting our Divine Mission in our lives for the greatest good and gifting to all.