"I'm amazed! After seeing and clearing all the negative beliefs I was holding about getting a job and supporting my family, with in one week from our session together, I was offered an opportunity to work from home as a personal assistant making 3X the hourly rate of my other job! Thank you for helping me see how and where I was blocking my self from receiving what I was really wanting and needing!"
"Four days after our time together and I can't believe how much clearer and calmer my thoughts are. I kind of imagined the energy from the healing session would have worn off by now, but since our time together I have not had ANY negative thoughts about myself, thoughts that prior to coming to you had been plaguing me almost constantly. Now I feel that instead of wearing off, the energy work we did is just going to keep getting better. I can't wait for my next session."
"Your work has seriously changed my life. MY LIFE. I'm not kidding. Our monthly sessions have opened me to a whole new way of living and being. I'm no longer affected by other peoples negativity. I just no longer get involved. I've been reunited with the love of my life, all because I feel I'm ready to let him in again. Things are going great and my whole family is much happier. I can't thank you enough and will be sending all my friends to come see you."
"Last year you said I was about to go through a detox process and man, did I! I quit smoking, quit drinking, ditched a bunch of toxic people and dropped almost 100 pounds! Violet Alchemy is magic! I'm now ready for my next session. When can you see me?"
"I'm amazed! After seeing and clearing all the negative beliefs I was holding about getting a job and supporting my family, with in one week from our session together, I was offered an opportunity to work from home as a personal assistant making 3X the hourly rate of my other job! Thank you for helping me see how and where I was blocking my self from receiving what I was really wanting and needing!"
"Four days after our time together and I can't believe how much clearer and calmer my thoughts are. I kind of imagined the energy from the healing session would have worn off by now, but since our time together I have not had ANY negative thoughts about myself, thoughts that prior to coming to you had been plaguing me almost constantly. Now I feel that instead of wearing off, the energy work we did is just going to keep getting better. I can't wait for my next session."
"Your work has seriously changed my life. MY LIFE. I'm not kidding. Our monthly sessions have opened me to a whole new way of living and being. I'm no longer affected by other peoples negativity. I just no longer get involved. I've been reunited with the love of my life, all because I feel I'm ready to let him in again. Things are going great and my whole family is much happier. I can't thank you enough and will be sending all my friends to come see you."
"Last year you said I was about to go through a detox process and man, did I! I quit smoking, quit drinking, ditched a bunch of toxic people and dropped almost 100 pounds! Violet Alchemy is magic! I'm now ready for my next session. When can you see me?"
VIOLET ALCHEMY HEALING SESSIONS can be done in person or over the phone. Both are equally powerful in affecting a shift and change according to the intention set.

Violet Alchemy Healing Sessions always start out with discovering and discussing your intention. What you want to shift and change in your life directs the session. If you tell me that you wish to manifest the ideal working situation we will be directed, for example, to clear energies around poverty consciousness, lack, limitation, struggle, ideas and beliefs around self worth. If you are looking to call in your perfect partner to mirror your soul growth, or end a long term relationship the energies cleared and brought in will have an entirely different flavor.
Some Common Intentions:
I want to feel more connected to my inner guidance and spirit
I know I need to leave my partner and I don't know how (or I'm just unsatisfied in my relationship now and would like it to grow)
I'm ready to call in my beloved love
I feel stuck in my life and am unsure about how to move forward
I want to feel supported as I step out and create my new business
I keep repeating the same pattern with my (friends/family/partner/kids) I dont know why it keeps happening but I'm tired of it and ready to choose differently
I feel drained and overwhelmed by other people's energies & need help being around others with out loosing my center
I would like to release : Anxiety, depression, addiction, pain in my body, fatigued, anger, sadness, negative self talk... ect.
I would like to feel more : joy, excitement, freedom, love, slender, happiness, relaxed, empowered, confident... ect.
I'm ready to take responsibility for my life and direct it according to my heart's calling
Once we've discussed your intention, I invite you to relax. I call upon your guides, angels & emissaries of light as well as my own. I speak prayers of support and protection. Using the pendulum I ask what energies need to be cleared and resolved, what energies and dispensations need to be brought in to your field for support and growth. It is common for past life dramas to be revealed. It is common that you receive a channeled message from one of your guides. It is common that you are gifted a teaching to assist you in the future. All of this is common but each and every healing session is different and I go where your guides direct me for the highest healing and the greatest good for all.
VA Session is especially beneficial if you are feeling overly fearful, anxious, depressed, have a lot of negative self talk. In addition, if you feel drained, overwhelmed, foggy headed, confused, angry, vengeful... These are all symptoms of energetic "mosquitoes" in your field. They are nothing to be afraid of, just aware of. These can be cleared with the power of Violet Alchemy and the Angels we work with.
Sometimes in life we need an assist. Violet Alchemy can give you that assist so you can get back to being and feeling your AWESOME DIVINE SELF.
Some Common Intentions:
I want to feel more connected to my inner guidance and spirit
I know I need to leave my partner and I don't know how (or I'm just unsatisfied in my relationship now and would like it to grow)
I'm ready to call in my beloved love
I feel stuck in my life and am unsure about how to move forward
I want to feel supported as I step out and create my new business
I keep repeating the same pattern with my (friends/family/partner/kids) I dont know why it keeps happening but I'm tired of it and ready to choose differently
I feel drained and overwhelmed by other people's energies & need help being around others with out loosing my center
I would like to release : Anxiety, depression, addiction, pain in my body, fatigued, anger, sadness, negative self talk... ect.
I would like to feel more : joy, excitement, freedom, love, slender, happiness, relaxed, empowered, confident... ect.
I'm ready to take responsibility for my life and direct it according to my heart's calling
Once we've discussed your intention, I invite you to relax. I call upon your guides, angels & emissaries of light as well as my own. I speak prayers of support and protection. Using the pendulum I ask what energies need to be cleared and resolved, what energies and dispensations need to be brought in to your field for support and growth. It is common for past life dramas to be revealed. It is common that you receive a channeled message from one of your guides. It is common that you are gifted a teaching to assist you in the future. All of this is common but each and every healing session is different and I go where your guides direct me for the highest healing and the greatest good for all.
VA Session is especially beneficial if you are feeling overly fearful, anxious, depressed, have a lot of negative self talk. In addition, if you feel drained, overwhelmed, foggy headed, confused, angry, vengeful... These are all symptoms of energetic "mosquitoes" in your field. They are nothing to be afraid of, just aware of. These can be cleared with the power of Violet Alchemy and the Angels we work with.
Sometimes in life we need an assist. Violet Alchemy can give you that assist so you can get back to being and feeling your AWESOME DIVINE SELF.
DONA HO LIGHTSEY the founder of the Violet Alchemy Healing system writes this about it...
The Divine Power of Violet Alchemy®
Violet Alchemy ® healing sessions prepare your energy field by transmuting the negativity and chaos, stress and emotional and mental baggage you live with. Violet Alchemy ® healing also resolves deep cellular patterning of core issues carried over from other lifetimes which can liberate you from repeating patterns of limitation, negativity and self sabotage.
Through the VA® healings, One receives the preparation to be able to receive the Activations and Dispensations offered by the Enlightened Ascended Masters and Mothers and Archangels. For one can not hold these higher vibrations and frequencies if the energy field is vibrating with lower energies that are fear based, negative or where there is suffering.
Activations are a gifting from the Ascended Masters and Archangels
to help a soul remember. Once received, a soul will begin to long for their higher connections and move into a reclamation of their higher potential while raising their light body frequencies.
This is a path of raising consciousness also known as the Path of Ascension.
• Past Life/Karmic Absolution = Invoking SOURCE/God/dess, the Angelic realm and the Ascended Masters of the Karmic board to offer their gifts of frequency. We work in a co-creative process to resolve and heal, negative programs, past life wounds and themes, fragments, belief systems, vows, contracts, oaths, promises, curses and spells from previous lifetimes as well as the present.
• Lost Soul and Entity Releasement = at times it is necessary for the returning or retrieving of unresolved energies between you and another soul who is no longer in the physical body with the intention of resolving unfinished business, which usually means returning soul fragments to each other so both parties can move on in wholeness. Entity Releasement is the removal of “less than light” entities/energies that are unconscious, removing them completely from the energy field throughout all lifetimes and dimensions. Attachments of Entities creates exaggerated anger/rage, fears, insecurities, obsessive thoughts and behaviors and depression and exacerbates addictions. This work is done by Ascended Master Sananda and Archangel Michael; they transmute these energies into the light and into the next level of healing and evolution.
• Soul Retrieval = at times it is necessary to retrieve aspects of oneself from another or offer backs fragments that were taken on. This is common between family members and close relationships. We want to help heal or to control a situation or someone, and so an energy exchange is common though not necessarily conscious on either party's part. This creates dysfunction within the relationship, and so it is important to release, heal and retrieve the aspects for each individual. Also, aspects of the soul that have been missing due to trauma and brokenness will be retrieved, and integrated into the chakra system and energy bodies with an offering of Angelic assistance and gifts of empowerment.
• Rebuild and Expand the energy field = we anchor and channel the appropriate Sound Frequency and Color Frequency from different masters and angels of the Godhead into the chakras and realign all energetic systems throughout the physical and energetic bodies. This re-calibrates the energy field to resonate to these higher frequencies of love, light, unity and oneness creating significant change within, which will bring change into your outer world.
This modality of energy healing is done through pendulum dowsing, direct channeled guidance and assistance and the use of sound healing or sound activation through my voice. The client is receptive, clothed and comfortably lying on a massage table. Free yourself from that which is no longer necessary to hold on to and experience change from the inside out.
((May the Divine Order of this work create freedom from within, so that the microcosm of who we are can be mirrored in the macrocosm of Mother Earth and beyond. SO BE IT!! ~ Dona Ho Lightsey))
The Divine Power of Violet Alchemy®
Violet Alchemy ® healing sessions prepare your energy field by transmuting the negativity and chaos, stress and emotional and mental baggage you live with. Violet Alchemy ® healing also resolves deep cellular patterning of core issues carried over from other lifetimes which can liberate you from repeating patterns of limitation, negativity and self sabotage.
Through the VA® healings, One receives the preparation to be able to receive the Activations and Dispensations offered by the Enlightened Ascended Masters and Mothers and Archangels. For one can not hold these higher vibrations and frequencies if the energy field is vibrating with lower energies that are fear based, negative or where there is suffering.
Activations are a gifting from the Ascended Masters and Archangels
to help a soul remember. Once received, a soul will begin to long for their higher connections and move into a reclamation of their higher potential while raising their light body frequencies.
This is a path of raising consciousness also known as the Path of Ascension.
• Past Life/Karmic Absolution = Invoking SOURCE/God/dess, the Angelic realm and the Ascended Masters of the Karmic board to offer their gifts of frequency. We work in a co-creative process to resolve and heal, negative programs, past life wounds and themes, fragments, belief systems, vows, contracts, oaths, promises, curses and spells from previous lifetimes as well as the present.
• Lost Soul and Entity Releasement = at times it is necessary for the returning or retrieving of unresolved energies between you and another soul who is no longer in the physical body with the intention of resolving unfinished business, which usually means returning soul fragments to each other so both parties can move on in wholeness. Entity Releasement is the removal of “less than light” entities/energies that are unconscious, removing them completely from the energy field throughout all lifetimes and dimensions. Attachments of Entities creates exaggerated anger/rage, fears, insecurities, obsessive thoughts and behaviors and depression and exacerbates addictions. This work is done by Ascended Master Sananda and Archangel Michael; they transmute these energies into the light and into the next level of healing and evolution.
• Soul Retrieval = at times it is necessary to retrieve aspects of oneself from another or offer backs fragments that were taken on. This is common between family members and close relationships. We want to help heal or to control a situation or someone, and so an energy exchange is common though not necessarily conscious on either party's part. This creates dysfunction within the relationship, and so it is important to release, heal and retrieve the aspects for each individual. Also, aspects of the soul that have been missing due to trauma and brokenness will be retrieved, and integrated into the chakra system and energy bodies with an offering of Angelic assistance and gifts of empowerment.
• Rebuild and Expand the energy field = we anchor and channel the appropriate Sound Frequency and Color Frequency from different masters and angels of the Godhead into the chakras and realign all energetic systems throughout the physical and energetic bodies. This re-calibrates the energy field to resonate to these higher frequencies of love, light, unity and oneness creating significant change within, which will bring change into your outer world.
This modality of energy healing is done through pendulum dowsing, direct channeled guidance and assistance and the use of sound healing or sound activation through my voice. The client is receptive, clothed and comfortably lying on a massage table. Free yourself from that which is no longer necessary to hold on to and experience change from the inside out.
((May the Divine Order of this work create freedom from within, so that the microcosm of who we are can be mirrored in the macrocosm of Mother Earth and beyond. SO BE IT!! ~ Dona Ho Lightsey))
90 Min: $175
Ascension Package of 12 Sessions : $1100
Ascension package can be paid for in installments : up to 4 monthly installments of $275
Call or Email to book your appointment: 845-332-0031 / [email protected]
90 Min: $175
Ascension Package of 12 Sessions : $1100
Ascension package can be paid for in installments : up to 4 monthly installments of $275
Call or Email to book your appointment: 845-332-0031 / [email protected]